Greetings, kind Readers!

Ladies and Gentlemen, Madames et Monsieurs, meine Damen und Herren!

My name is Marek Golonka. I’m an RPG designer from Poland who has recently felt an irresistible urge to try to design a game of his own – or even more that one game. Dual RPG is a blog devoted to the development of my games, a place where I’ll write about my ideas, inspirations and trial sessions. Sometimes I’ll also post short videos that will explain aspects of the game.

But, since I’m talking about “games”, what precisely is Dual RPG? It is a simple game mechanic that will be used in most of the games I plan. I’m hopelessly in love with Victorian aesthetics and I want all these games to be set in nineteenth century settings – some strictly Victorian, some stretching to other parts of the world. For me one of defining features of a Victorian setting are dualities – between good and evil, poor and rich, socially acceptable and unacceptable. These oppositions tend to be strict and blurred at the same time, offering many interesting roleplaying opportunities.

That’s why I want this duality to be a major factors in games I’m going to write. In each of them it will be a different duality – sometimes a grotesque division between propriety and mischief, sometimes a Jekylllike drama of good and evil – but each will be governed by similar rules.

The first game I’m preparing – under the working title of Comme il faut – will be the light-hearted one. Here the division will be between the socially acceptable and the unacceptable and the typical plot will be a fancy high-class intrigue or crazy steampulp action. More info soon!

You can find the basics of Dual RPG rules here.

Thank you for your attention!

Marek Golonka